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Thursday, March 24, 2016

search engine optimization part:1

A Search Engine is one of the most important tools that help you find information on the web. The utility of
Search Engines in web search lies in the fact that they are responsible for retrieving large amounts of
information very easily, using certain keywords. Potential customers will enter ’keywords’ in a Search Engine
and perform a search.

Search engines are huge databases, which use their own internal algorithms to decide which web pages to
display when someone enters a keyword or key phrase. The idea is to produce the most relevant results, from
up to 300,000,000 records. Because of the sheer size, the indexing of these records has to be computed
automatically, and the most relevant results are returned to your browser. To complicate matters, each search
engine has its own unique algorithm, and sometimes they use each other's listings (and a variation of those
algorithms) as well. Search engines index the websites on the World Wide
Web and store thousands of web pages in their database.
They present a list of web sites based on the words,
known as “keywords”, typed in by the user. The higher
your web site is on this list, the greater chance somebody
will visit it.

 Types of search engines:

• Automatic Search Engines : Google , Duckduckgo, Blekko, AltaVista, Excite
• Directory Search Engines : Yahoo, AOL, AltaVista
• Pay Per Click Search : Overture, Google AdWords
• Meta Search Engines : Ixquick, MetaCrawler, Dog pile

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

SEO is the art and science of helping websites get found in major searches. The process is often complicated,
timely and manually intensive. It can be a waste of time if your pages are not structured in a search engine
friendly manner. Hence, SEO can be thought of as the medium one can use to communicate with a search
engine, so that it knows exactly what your web site is about. It is also about achieving a high level of search
engine visibility, through a wide variety of well-optimized keyword phrases, that are directly related to your

Search Engine Optimization refers to a variety of techniques used to improve a web page's keyword or
keyword phrase on a Search Engine ranking. Search Engine Optimization is an important aspect of search

It is a technical process of manipulating a website with
the aim of optimizing or promoting keyword search
phrases, relevant to that website to the search
engines, so they in turn, will index the site as highly
relevant to that keyword search phrase. Once
indexed, the search engine will list the website in its
‘natural listings’.

Benefits of SEO:

Search Engine Optimization is capable of providing you a strategic edge over your competitors

 Has a positive psychological impact on a visitor.

 Help you create a brand identity.

 Higher ‘brand recall’.

 Increase in targeted on-line traffic.

 Better web site positioning.

 Ability to dominate over competition with your mirror sites.

 Fast, measurable ROI.

 Increased and boosted product sales, and online visibility.

 Lower client acquisition costs.

 Broader web-marketing share.

 Compete efficiently against larger competitors.

 Continuous Visibility.

 Makes the most out of the best tool for advertising.

 The cheapest marketing tool, even on the net.

 Increases your revenue. Many non-brick and mortar firms have grown only with online presence and

the best example is


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