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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Java tutorial part:1(creating object)

In JavaScript, objects are king: Almost everything is an object or acts like an object. Understand objects
and you will understand JavaScript. So let's examine the creation of objects in JavaScript.

An object is just a container for a collection of named values (aka properties). Before we look at any
JavaScript code, let's first reason this out. Take myself, for example. Using plain language, we can
express in a table, a "cody":

             property value:

The word "cody" in the table above is just a label for the group of property names and corresponding

values that make up exactly what a cody is. As you can see from the table I am living, 33, and a male.

JavaScript, however, does not speak in tables. It speaks in objects, which are not unlike the parts
contained in the "cody" table. Translating the above table into an actual JavaScript object would look

like this:

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script>
// create the cody object...
var cody = new Object();
// then fill the cody object with properties (using dot notation) = true;
cody.age = 33;
cody.gender = 'male';
console.log(cody); // logs Object {living = true, age = 33, gender = 'male'}

Keep this at the forefront of your mind: objects are really just containers for properties, each of which
has a name and a value. This notion of a container of properties with named values (i.e. an object) is
used by JavaScript as the building blocks for expressing values in JavaScript. The cody object is a
value which I expressed as a JavaScript object by creating an object, giving the object a name, and
then give the object properties.
Up to this point, the cody object we are discussing has only static information. Since we are dealing
with a programing language, we want to program our cody object to actually do something. Otherwise,
all we really have is a database, akin to JSON. In order to bring the cody object to life, I need to add a
property method. Property methods perform a function. To be precise, in JavaScript, methods are
properties that contain a Function() object, whose intent is to operate on the object the function is
contained within.
If I were to update the cody table with a getGender method, in plain English it would look like this:
cody object

             Property value:
return the value of gender

getGender return the value of gender
Using JavaScript, the getGender method from the updated cody table

above would look like so:

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script>
var cody = new Object(); = true;
cody.age = 33;
cody.gender = 'male';
cody.getGender = function(){return cody.gender;};
console.log(cody.getGender()); // logs 'male'

The getGender method, a property of the cody object, is used to return one of codyʼs other property
values: the value "male" stored in the gender property. What you must realize is that without methods,
our object would not do much except store static properties.
The cody object we have discussed thus far is what is known as an Object() object. We created the
cody object using a blank object that was provided to us by invoking the Object() constructor function.
Think of constructor functions as a template or cookie cutter for producing pre-defined objects. In the
case of the cody object I used the Object() constructor function to produce an empty object which I
named cody. Now since cody is an object constructed from the Object() constructor, we call cody an
Object() object. What you really need to grok, beyond the creation of a simple Object() object like
cody, is that the majority of values expressed in JavaScript are objects (primitive values like "foo", 5,
and true are the exception but have equivalent wrapper objects).
Consider that the cody object created from the Object() constructor function is not really different from
say a string object created via the String() constructor function. To drive this fact home, examine and
contrast the code below:

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script>
var myObject = new Object(); // produces an Object() object
myObject['0'] = 'f';
myObject['1'] = 'o';
myObject['2'] = 'o';
console.log(myObject); // logs Object { 0="f", 1="o", 2="o"}
var myString = new String('foo'); // produces a String() object
console.log(myString); // logs foo { 0="f", 1="o", 2="o"}

As it turns out, myObject and myString are both . . . objects! They both can have properties, inherit
properties, and are produced from a constructor function. The myString variable containing the 'foo'
string value seems to be as simple as it goes, but amazingly itʼs got an object structure under its
surface. If you examine both of the objects produced you will see that they are identical objects in
substance but not in type. More importantly I hope you begin to see that JavaScript uses objects to
express values.

- You might find it odd to see the string value 'foo' in the object form because typically a string is represented in JavaScript as a primitive
value (e.g. var myString = 'foo';). I specifically used a string object value here to highlight that anything can be an object, including values
that we might not typically think of as an object (i.e. string, number, boolean). Also, I think this helps explain why some say that everything
in JavaScript can be an object.
JavaScript bakes the String() and Object() constructor functions into the language itself to make the
creation of a String() object and Object() object trivial. But you, as a coder of the JavaScript
language, can also create equally powerful constructor functions. Below, I demonstrate this by defining
a non-native custom Person() constructor function, so that I can create people from it.
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script>
// define Person constructor function in order to create custom Person() objects later
var Person = function(living, age, gender) {
! = living;
! this.age = age;
! this.gender = gender;
! this.getGender = function() {return this.gender;};
// instantiate a Person object and store it in the cody variable
var cody = new Person(true, 33, 'male');
/* The String() constructor function below, having been defined by JavaScript, has the same
pattern. Because the string constructor is native to JavaScript, all we have to do to get a
string instance is instantiate it. But the pattern is the same whether we use native
constructors like String() or user-defined constructors like Person(). */
// instantiate a String object stored in the myString variable
var myString = new String('foo');

The user-defined Person() constructor function can produce person objects, just as the native

String() constructor function can produce string objects. The Person() constructor is no less capable,
and is no more or less malleable, than the native String() constructor or any of the native
constructors found in JavaScript.
Remember how the cody object we first looked at was produced from an Object(). Itʼs important to
note that the Object() constructor function and the new Person() constructor shown in the last code
example can give us identical outcomes. Both can produce an identical object with the same properties
and property methods. Examine the two sections of code below, showing that codyA and codyB have
the same object values, even though they are produced in different ways.

The main difference between the codyA and codyB objects is not found in the object itself, but in the
constructor functions used to produce the objects. The codyA object was produced using an instance of
the Object() constructor. The Person() constructor, constructed codyB but can also be used as a
powerful, centrally defined object "factory" to be used for creating more Person() objects. Crafting your
own constructors for producing custom objects also sets up prototypal inheritance for Person()
Both solutions resulted in the same complex object being created. Itʼs these two patterns that are the
most commonly used for constructing objects.
JavaScript is really just a language that is pre-packaged with a few native object constructors used to
produce complex objects which express a very specific type of value (e.g. numbers, strings, functions,
object, arrays etc...) as well as the raw materials via Function() objects for crafting user-defined object
constructors (e.g. Person()). The end result—no matter the pattern for creating the object—is typically
the creation of a complex object.
Understanding the creation, nature, and usage of objects and their primitive equivalents is the focus of
the rest of this book.


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